Our Mission
Our Boone Grove Middle School staff is committed to excellence. Our school has been rated by the State of Indiana in 2011 as grade “A” exemplary, with an I-STEP passing rate of 84.8% and our rate of improvement is 3.6%. Our school has consistently made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and is exemplary in all 17 State and Federal measures of student achievement.
Boone Grove Middle School has multiple student organizations that serve our community. Our National Junior Honor Society has projects that celebrate families and our veterans, and our Student Council and Builder’s Club have programs to provide service learning opportunities and provide support to our community.
Boone Grove Middle School welcomes and encourages parent participation. Our grade level teams provide regular outreach daily during our “team time” to assist our students and parents. Our teachers and office staff are available to serve our parents and the community at any time.
The Boone Grove Middle School is focused on providing service to the students, parents and the Porter Township Community.
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Meet The Principal – Jessica Wotherspoon
As principal of Boone Grove Middle School it is my goal to provide a safe learning environment for all students so that they can become leaders in our society. I strive to be a positive roll model for our students, staff and community. Should you have any questions, comments, or concern, please feel free to contact me at school by phone or email at: jessica.wotherspoon@ptsc.k12.in.us
I am looking forward to another great year at BGMS where students and staff strive to do the right thing at all times.